Leadership Initiatives


Have you found yourself immediately connecting with certain people and wondering why connections didn’t readily happen with others? Have you considered why certain matrix teams are highly successful when others struggle? Would you or your team benefit from strengthening and enhancing communication? By understanding personal style, recognizing the style of others and applying simple tips and techniques, individuals and teams can create connections, enhance communications improve business results.

“Connecting through Communication© focuses on three key objectives:
  • Understanding your own personal communication style
  • Recognizing and valuing the diverse communication styles of others
  • Developing simple techniques to tailor interactions and ensure connections

Velocity P3 provides an engaging, interactive and tailored approach:
  • Validated PCSI assessment for each participant
  • Application workshops with customized exercises and scenarios
  • Individual and/or team coaching support
  • Tips and techniques for immediate application and outcomes
  • Action plans for individual participant success

Contact Velocity P3 for more information or to book an engagement.

Clients and participants are saying…

“I never really understood why I had issues with some of the people I work with. I am so glad I attended your workshop! I now realize where I am strong and why I have gaps with certain people. I tried the approaches with two of my communication challenges and they worked! Thank you for your support, coaching and encouragement.”

“I always considered myself a good communicator. What I learned today will help me be a great communicator. I can already think of what I will do differently in my meetings tomorrow.”

Velocity - Accelerating Potential